Step 1: Login to the Orders2me dashboard and click "Menu." (For info how refer to How do I access the back-end of my menu to change items and settings?)
Step 2: Go to your desired item and click "Edit."
Step 3: Scroll down to "Options" and click "Add Option."
Step 4: Enter the necessary preliminary information to give your option. (Ex: Is it required, can the customer make multiple choices.
Step 5: Click "Create Option" when finished and enter the option choices and values.
Step 6: Click "Ok" when finished and scroll down to the bottom of the page and click "Submit."
Note: To copy an option already made see here- How to copy existing options from one item to another
Note: Options can be modified once completed next to the particular option.
Note: For info on dependent options see How do I create an option that's dependent on a choice from another option?