What are Option Levels?
Option levels allow customers to modify an individual option selection, such as specifying "double" for a topping/ingredient or "no" to exclude a given topping/ingredient.
Common Use Cases:
- Sauce on a Pizza: No, Lite, Normal, Extra
- Mushrooms in a Umami Salad: No, Lite, Normal, Extra, Overload
- Spice Level on Tandoori Chicken: No, Normal, Super, Red Hot, Firehouse
How do I set up Option Levels on my online ordering menu?
- Login to the Orders2me back-end dashboard
- On the left-hand side, right below your menu categories, click "Option Levels"
- On the next page, enter your desired Level Name (e.g., Options), then hit Create Option Level.
- On the next page, enter the required information
- Click "Save Level"
Now that you've created it, it's time to attach it to the menu items or categories you want it to apply to.
- How do I attach an Option Level to a menu item?
- Find the menu item you want to attach to & hit edit
- Create an option group for the menu item you want it on (if you don't already have one)
- Make sure to check off Allow Multiple Selections
- Click the Levels drop-down menu & select the option level you just created (e.g., Options)
- The option level is now attached to the option group, save the menu item at the bottom of the page
Here's a video walk-through